Should the penalties be increased for employers that violate federal labor law? A ‘bully’ is an equal-opportunity harasser, miserable and mean to anyone. It is well known that bullying causes psychological damage to its victims. Should bullying at work be illegal?
Establishing rapport, building networks, and creating collaborative partnerships within communities are important components of the work that human service professionals do when advocating for children and their families. For this assignment, you will assume that you are a human service professional working in a community and advocating for a social issue that impacts children…
Davis v. Fort Bend County 765 F. 3d 480 (5th Cir. 2015), cert. denied 135 S. Ct. 2804 (2015) What are the legal issues in this case? What did the appeals court decide? Was this employee acting in accordance with a sincerely held religious belief or practice when she missed work on the morning of…
Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company’s (SEIIC’s) primary recruiting need is for engineering and technical personnel. Over that last two decades, these professions have generally been in high demand and relatively scarce supply. As the HR manager responsible for recruiting and selecting people in these fields, you need to stay abreast of trends that affect…
Culture and accountability have recently been blended within organizations due to fear of change or acceptance of the “that is how we have always done it” mentality. After operating the same way for years, a deeper dive into corporate culture combined with accountability has become a necessary focus to determine how these concepts will fit…
Section #01 Subsequent to your review of the many sectors of the hospitality, travel and tourism industry, identify which sector (type of business) has the greatest appeal to you for personally pursuing a career direction. If there is a specific company within the selected sector that is of most interest to you, share the name…
Find a media campaign (see example above in videos) that was developed by a company or organization to create social change. Share a video, image, or website link of the campaign with your peers and describe the purpose of the campaign and how it targets forms of sexism. Does it take into consideration other forms…
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a function (managing the human resources of an organization); and/or a department (the group of people who manage the human resources function); and/or the actual leaders/managers that manage the human resources of an organization. Make sure you are clear as to how you are using the term (HRM) and whether…
How does the educational system promote gender roles and norms? Use at least 3 examples from your own experiences in the educational system. If you were homeschooled think about your experience now in college or if you have children, their experiences in school
Think about your current or previous workplace(s). How were the gender dynamics amongst the workers? Did you witness any unfair or discriminatory treatment? What about company policies? Did they promote gender equity? Explain your answers with specific examples but please keep names of companies, workplaces, and co-workers private.