Category: Investments

  • TEAM ASSIGNMENTS A. Team Project Each team is tasked with selecting a real estate investment project / real estate sub-market that members of the team have knowledge/experience/expertise. Outline of Team Project APA Milestone Paper Title page Abstract page Contents a. Introduction / Background Heading level 1 b. Investment Overview Heading level 1 o Offering Summary…

  • fter reading the case study, two-page analysis that addresses the following questions: What does a private equity professional do? What skills or traits do they need to be successful, particularly in buyout and later-stage investing? How would you characterise the Southern Cross fund? How does it compare to other private equity funds? In what way…

  • After reading the case study, prepare two-page analysis that addresses the following questions: What are the recent trends in the hedge fund and private equity industry? Can you identify a growing overlap between the two? What are the issues surrounding a purchase by a financial or strategic buyer? What are their respective strengths and weaknesses?…

  • After watching the ‘Clifford Chance: The EMI Deal’ video and researching relevant information on the EMI LBO, prepare a one-page analysis that addresses the following questions: What is the background of Terra Firma? What are they good at? What have been their successful investments to date (pre-EMI acquisition)? How does EMI make money? What is…