Beginning on page 189, your course textbook discusses the many institutions in which legacies of racial discrimination persist in their impacts today. For example, disparities in home ownership persist from the Jim Crow era, resulting in disparities in outcomes in education, employment, and, ultimately, in income and wealth. Reflect on the history of American racial/ethnic…
This is a U.S. Based paper. References must be US References not international. Main reference must be Dynamic Business Law textbook McGraw hill (information uploaded) Please see uploaded documents for guidelines and rubric
Follow all instructions provided, APA format, no plagiarism, no grammatical errors, cite and reference and be very detailed/thorough.
Your 3-slide requirement is excluding your title, introduction, and reference slides. Use one basic slide design and layout. Limit slides to between 6 and 8 lines of content. You may use pictures, charts, and graphs to supplement your material as long as they do not take up the entire slide. Use bullets for your main…
This week’s material concerns the historical patterns of assimilation. On page 99 of your course textbook, the authors pose a question: “Does the traditional perspective on patterns of assimilation apply to modern-day immigrants to the U.S.?” In other words, should we expect to see the same patterns of assimilation take place with contemporary immigrant groups?…
Dear Students, I hope you are all doing well. Please read this message carefully, as it contains information that will allow you to prepare for our second discussion forum, during which you will (i) draft a settlement agreement based on a fact pattern, and (ii) provide comments to a draft written by another student. First,…
tudents will prepare a 10-12-page paper on an issue of importance to them that implicates the intersection of law and social work. Students may expand on their Differences in Approach paper from earlier in the semester. The final paper should define a problem or issue within the law and social work interface in which the…
Evaluation of your mastery for this course will require you to write a fifteen-page paper analyzing a videotaped mediation. Your assignment will be to analyze, critique, and complement the mediator strategic choices and technique. In your paper, feel free to complement and criticize the mediator in his/her general administration of the five generic stages of…
Please find the attached document. Please be very attention about pilgrims. I already add the turnitin report+ Al check. Thanks.
this is the scond assignment, I think the same writer who do the first assignment is better to do this and provide the Answer for that. The type and format of the answer is on page 86 of the attached material. the direction is in the video and the link is