Category: Nursing

  • In at least three pages, answer the following questions: What do you feel are the greatest influences on clinical judgment? Is it experience, knowledge, or a combination of those things? In your opinion, what part does intuition play in clinical judgment? How do you think you’ll be able to develop nursing intuition? Additional sources are…

  • This assignment is specific to a particular pediatric primary care practice and is mostly based upon student observation and experience. In your paper, include the following elements: From your observations and experiences in your pediatric clinical rotation, provide an example of multidisciplinary collaboration. From your observations and experiences in your pediatric clinical rotation, provide an…

  • This unit’s discussion will focus on sharing experiences that you have encountered so far in your pediatric clinical rotation involving collaboration. Include in your discussion if the collaboration resulted in improved patient outcomes. What barriers to collaboration have you observed? Share why, in your opinion, effective collaboration is essential in providing quality healthcare APA 7th…

  • Choose a topic below. Topic: Not speaking up when unethical practices become evident Create a presentation of 10-15 slides or screens excluding the title and references. Your slides/screen should include titles, main ideas, bullet points, and relevant images, charts, graphs, etc. In your presentation: Describe an ethical situation, based on the chosen topic, that can…

  • Directions:First post on Tuesday is 150 Words; second and third responses due Saturday are 100 words each. Read the case study about Borderline Personality Disorder and answer the following questions in your initial posting: NUR2488_Module07_Case Study_v2.docx ow would you use therapeutic communication and principles of cognitive behavioral therapy with the client? Describe your assessment process.…

  • Theoretical Models used in Practice A model demonstrates the theorist’s interpretation of how concepts are related to one another and are developed. Models are frequently illustrated with a graphical representation. Theoretical statements, the characteristics of the model, are used as precursors to more specific theory development. Nursing may utilize theoretical models from a variety of…

  • Corresponding to legislators is an important way to advocate for patients and the nursing profession. Provide a formal letter to the legislator in your district related to a controversial health topic the letter should support the specific position or recommended approach to solving the identified problem initial post due by Thursday and one reply by…

  • Write a 4-6 page analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications. The topic should be LIMITED ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE. Consumers face barriers to healthcare access for assorted reasons. For example: due to geographic location, provider availability, transportation issues and mobility. Potential Intervention Approaches: –…

  • ckground and Significance of the Type 2 Diabetes disease, to include: Definition, description, signs and symptoms. Incidence and prevalence of statistics by state with a comparison to national statistics pertaining to the disease. If after a search of the library and scholarly data bases, you are unable to find statistics for your home state, or…

  • Purpose of the Study: Using information from the required article and your own words, thoroughly summarize the purpose of the study. Describe what the study is about. Thoroughly summarize and include excellent details for the criteria. Type of Research & the Design: Using information from the required article and your own words, thoroughly summarize the…