In this assessment you will practice designing a future scenario via storyworlds. You will research, design, produce and present a digital version of a scenario that you can use to ‘tell the story’ of your interpretation of the future (approximately 2050). You will consider how you convey the stories of place, people, objects and non-human…
Module #03 Discussion Questions External sources are not accepted Module #03 Discussion Questions_NOTES 1. Is using a medium high in information richness the preferred medium, whenever possible, to ensure clear communications? Why or why not? 2. How might decision-making groups fall into the escalation-of-commitment trap? 3. Why is coordinating functions and divisions a problem for…
it’s a major work and the thesis question is “An examination on the effects of white imperialism in the African people, continent and diaspora” this document is the pre existing one with the information and this is what I would like the end result to look like – The Trump Effect.pdf
create responses to the three posts based on info from my initial post 1) What are the key components of intelligence? How can one identify an intelligent person—what do they do, say, think, or feel, for example, that would lead one to decide that they are intelligent? To what extent is intelligence dependent on the…
René Descartes: Discourse on Method (1637) Read the text from Descartes and then respond to the following question on the workbook. 1) What kind of a person is Descartes? 2) Why is he dissatisfied with the education he has received? 3) What is Descartes trying to find? What are his goals? 4) What is Descartes’…
*Starting assumption: Open a beer brew pub in Oakland, California by Oakland Arena, please see the attached introduction and project start research. 1. Please write and give details on the reasoning and implications of the size you choose. turnaround per day is how many times per day the max capacity regenerates *Please see the attached…
Write a 3–4 page paper discussing the stage of Piaget’s development the children in the video are in and provide evidence to support your answer. Address the following questions in your paper: How do you see self-fulfilling prophecy and learned helplessness portrayed in this video? How was the self-esteem of the children affected by participating…
Explain the use of artificial intelligence in supply chain management systems and processes. Prompt: Research and devise a plan to utilize artificial intelligence in supply chain management. Covert your plan into a short ‘elevator pitch’ and submit your pitch as your posting for the week. Feel free to use video or sound to supplement your…
Think about a work of art (music, literature, film, etc.) that makes you “happy.” Consider the different theories of happiness presented in Chapter 12 (hedonism, epicureanism, stoicism, Aristotelian reflection, Buddhism), and then describe the type of happiness the work generates for you. Be sure to support your answer with details from the work.
Step by Step Checklist: Crafting the Persuasive Letter Choose your topic–your reader and their belief. Start by making a list of three, and live with them for a few hours, imagining the letter you’d write. The topic that produces the most developed letter–a thesis and the subjects of the body paragraphs would be ideal–is the…