1.Liberty and Freedom: “Conflicts over liberty and freedom are simple to resolve: A person should be free to do or say anything they choose as long as it does no harm to others.”In asking you to write a DIALECTICAL DIALOGUE, I am asking you to write a conversation between two interlocuters, one of whom begins…
Rough Draft with allot of error Outline of the Term Paper Aristotle is one of the most influential Western philosophers as a teacher to Alexander the Great and a student of Plato. He has spanned most disciplines, from ethics to biology, metaphysics, and politics. Aristotle’s Nicomachean laid out the foundation for virtue ethics, while his…
Answer both questions in the assignment pdf in dialog format ( me- anti me) do not end in anti me. / no fancy references – reference the attached book – message me if anything is unclear
1. Name, define, and discuss a fallacy that you have observed in the outside world. Explain why the reasoning is fallacious in the context in which it was used. 2. Name, define, and discuss a fallacy that you have used or witnessed at work or at home. Explain why the reasoning is fallacious in the…
Your project should be double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12. Put page number and your last name in the top right hand corner. Review the course syllabus for the late submissions policy and guidelines about academic honesty and plagiarism. Students are encouraged to meet their instructor during office hours for further writing support. The…
In Book I of the Ethics, why does Aristotle argue that political science seems to be the authoritative and master art? Be sure to include a description of how Aristotle ranks sciences in terms of a hierarchy, a discussion of good and ends, and the nature of such a science (i.e. is it a precise…
Consider the moral dilemma from this video where you have the opportunity to tell a lie in order to (potentially) save your friend’s life: (watch up to 6:18) What would you do in this situation? And how would you justify it using one of the ethical theories examined in this week’s lectures and readings.
Instructions: Please write a 2-3 page essay answering all parts of the following question. Feel free to use material and ideas from Chapter 4. However, if you choose to use any direct quotes from the chapter, or any other outside sources, then please remember to properly cite that material. The use of any outside material…
Part 1 Existence This is a more open-ended board. Please answer the following question: Why is it that life must be meaningful? Why are we frightened of a life without meaning? Part 2 Complete “Test Your Understanding” questions on p. 1005.
This is the question: In what way(s) does Aristotle think that happiness depends on luck (NE I.8-11)? Is this view of how happiness depends on luck compelling? Why or why not? I need six pages but written in a philosophy formate. I’m providing my last essay I did to show what format I need. The…