See attached instructions, please follow instructions precisely. also see attached pages for corresponding reading.
The rules are attached in the Adv Research Rules PDF and the dataset along with the Code book is attached, I need you to use the program R for the graphs and charts, not any other data program. Message me if you need help with how to get the R program.
Case Study #1: Bargaining Model The purpose of this case study is to take the Bargaining Model of War and test it against a real-world case of your choosing. Generally speaking, you will examine whether the real historical events leading up to that war match what the Bargaining Model leads us to expect. You will…
Chapter 15 in the textbook deals with international law and international organizations. While the United States was a founding member of the United Nations and many international organizations, we have often ignored or been slow to come around on international law when it proved to be inconvenient for us as a nation. For instance, the…
The theory of anacyclosis sees political change as a result of decline while Mouffe sees political change as having the possibility of moving towards something new. Choose one of the following: the Soviet Revolution, Iranian Revolution, or the victory of the Chinese Communist Party in China’s civil war. Make an argument that the revolution/civil war…
Argumentative Essay that Opposed Dr. Jessica Dawson’s argument that the United States Department of Defences should place greater emphais of Defending U.S. Service Members Digital Privacy as a National Security Threat. No More than five pages of content. Bibiliography Page- APSA style. Fourth Amendment must be discussed as well.
1. Identify a Research Question Research Question: Does the type of media we consume affect/influence the way we vote? 2. Theories to Draw From Several disciplines and theories can inform this research question: Political Science: Agenda-Setting Theory, Framing Theory, Priming Theory (how media shapes political priorities). Sociology: Cultivation Theory (long-term media exposure shaping reality), Social…
Intro: The connection between welfare regimes and family policies has been critical in social policy studies. Gøsta Esping-Andersen’s famous model of welfare regimes and his classification of welfare states system in his work The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalisms serve as a foundation for looking at how social policies vary from one country to another.…
I will give you a passage please make your essay regarding the passage and what I list below. Template for paragraph: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW -The first sentence should take on just one or two ideas. Make it simple and about the largest concept that the article is working with. (read the article and…
answer the questions and give my two. use the rubric, instructions, lecture notes, the example of a previous assignment and other resources to complete this assignment. Use my previous assignment as reference of how i want it to be done and use similar language and writing so it shows that the same person wrote it.