Category: Psychology

  • I need you to watch this 30 minute recorded zoom meeting. I will give you a link to the recorded zoom meeting that you can view. Then write a one-page paper detailing how the workshop helped you in your academic, personal or professional development. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know…

  • Review Chapter 1: Identifying and Defining Problems of the course textbook One Step at a Time: A Roadmap for Problem Solving & Making a Difference. Review A Closer Look: Week 1: Stating the Problem. Read Participatory Action Research: Improving Professional Practices and Local SituationsLinks to an external site.. Select a problem you have personally seen…

  • In the assignment this week you will be exploring two clinical psychology positions and then comparing them to your career goals. As such, a helpful first step is taking a closer look at your career interests and goals. You may already have a clear picture of what you want to do in the field. If…

  • original writing prompt: Cognitive psychologists study how individuals think about the world around them. You were introduced to the major topics of cognitive psychology in Chapter 1. The following chapter, Chapter 2, introduced you to the field of cognitive neuroscience and how understanding the brain can assist us in more fully understanding cognition. How important…

  • Original prompt: Cognitive psychologists study how individuals think about the world around them. You were introduced to the major topics of cognitive psychology in Chapter 1. The following chapter, Chapter 2, introduced you to the field of cognitive neuroscience and how understanding the brain can assist us in more fully understanding cognition. How important do…

  • PROMPT Imagine you are a middle school social studies teacher. It is the first week of school, and you have 28 13-year-old students in your classroom. The students have been assigned a worksheet to complete with a partner. One of your advanced students raises his hand and asks you to come over to help him…

  • Writer ID: 320004008 week 6Assignment Designing a Counseling Group Part Four: Managing Sensitive Topics in Group Therapy (Obj. 6.1 and 6.2) Imagine the group you have been designing has had the opportunity to meet for at least two sessions. Over the two group sessions, some topics have surfaced that are challenging for group members. Choose…

  • week 6 DQ 1What form of resistive behavior (or difficult behavior displayed by a group member) would you find most problematic in one of your groups and why? How might you work in a therapeutic way with such a member’s behavior while demonstrating or implementing Christian values such as understanding and grace within the group?…

  • Conflict is a common occurrence during periods of transition within a group. Considering a Christian perspective, anticipate various forms of conflict that might arise within the groups you will lead. How do you envision handling conflicts that arise due to differing perspectives within the group, especially when your perspective differs from others’ spiritual or religious…

  • Write a 3- to 5-page expository essay on the use of technology in the diagnosis of psychopathology. Choose one of the following four diagnoses to focus your essay content on this week: Major Depressive Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder Bipolar Disorder Substance Use Disorder Using peer-reviewed journal articles and your course text, provide an in-depth analysis…