Category: Psychology

  • Today you are meeting with Jane Sullivan (she, her, hers), a 32-year-old newly widowed White woman who is four months pregnant. Jane was referred to you by her nurse midwife, who has been caring for Jane for the last 2 months. crying Jane enters your office looking exhausted. Her 18-month-old son, James, has food on…

  • Reflections are expected to be personal and will not be shared with anyone else. Reflections can include topics that have been discussed in class, issues you have faced themselves in the workplace, things you have read about in the news, it’s basically open. However, you need to think about your response. You will NOT get…

  • there are two questions: Describe what career success means to you and in what ways might it change in the future? How can you continue to manage your career to continue to meet your criteria for managerial success? a document will be attached in the files section

  • So i have this lab report that i have to do for my class. I have attached an example of how it should look like and the rubric as well and everything you would need. I have attached the transcript of the video my professor posted so you can read what he said and what…

  • I need a white person who can help me do a video introduction in 3 sentences. You will only pronounce a name, Location and Discuss and answer this viral online question/debate in 2 – 3 sentences: “If you were alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a bear or a man you didn’t know?Why?”…

  • Purpose The objective of the Field Notes component of our course and Program is to shape your awareness and application of the BACB Task List content areas and BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts considerations. This exercise provides opportunity for interaction with and input from your instructional team. Deliverable You will compose Field Notes using…

  • Question 1 2 PointsDuring his work with Freud’s psychoanalytic group, Adler’s thinking evolved toward the belief that individuals were motivated by all except which one of the following?A desire to overcome feelings of inferiorityA striving for perfectionA striving for wholeneA need to overcome one’s drives QUESTION 2: Which of the following schools of therapy were…

  • PSYC 351 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW In this Annotated Bibliography Assignment’s Resource section, you will find 2 articles: 1. Multicultural Education and Perceived Multicultural Competency of School Counselors. 2. A White Counselor in a Multicultural World: Understanding the Need for a Spiritual, Multicultural Counseling Course. Read both articles and write a brief annotated bibliography…

  • PSYC 235 SUCCESSFUL AGING JOURNAL ENTRY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The textbook emphasizes that successful aging is multidimensional, encompassing the avoidance or well-maintenance of disease and disability, the maintenance of physical and cognitive function, and sustained social engagement. While strategies like incorporating a healthy diet, continuing education, remaining active through exercise, and maintaining or cultivating new…

  • Assessment Description Having a sense and perspective of the history of teaching and learning allows the practitioner to build a foundation of knowledge upon which to construct deeper and larger perspectives of the teaching and learning process. It also allows for a clearly focused understanding of teaching and learning from the American perspective, which provides…