Minimum 500 words (approximately two pages double space) Typed doubled spaced in 12 font (Arial, Calibri, or Times New Romans) Margins: 1″ on left; 1″ top, bottom, and right Pages numbered bottom right Title page: Title of the assignment (e.g. Critical Engagement Paper – How Christianity Changed the World by Alvin Schmidt Discuss and interact…
Write a 1000 word double-spaced paper on the Hebrew Bible using one of the following prompts below. The paper must be 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, and use either MLA or Chicago style format for citations and formatting. There are two options below, just choose the one you can master. Option…
Hi, I hope all is well. I am starting my thesis. For this order it is going to be for the introduction and chapter 1 of the thesis. Can you please write 2 and a 1/2 pages for the introduction and 15 pages for Chapter 1. The whole thesis is going to be 50 pages…
Textbook: Core 2101: Christianity and Culture in Dialogue Edition: 3rd ISBN: 9780738098975 Author: Seton Hall University Publisher: HAYDEN-MCNEIL PUBLISHING Copyright Year: 2018 DUE: WED, JAN 29th 7am/PST READ: The Bible: The First Letter of John (CCD 38-46) Greek Civic Piety & Christian Love of Plato, Crito (CCD 47-64) The Passion of Perpetua & Felicity (CCD…
Slide Deck (visually engaging slideshow) interactive quiz or game. Analyze its key themes, and identify implications for ministry. The presentation should focus on : Part 1: A Tidal Wave: The Surge of Suffering pg 21-45 Chapter 5: The Four Foundational Harms: Social Deprivation, Sleep Deprivation, Attention Fragmentation, and Addiction. Chapter 6: Why Social Media Harms…
Christianity and Islam are the two most practiced religions in the world and have influenced the art, politics, and culture of societies around the globe for the last 1,500 years. Over the centuries, these two Abrahamic religions, which share foundational beliefs, have evolved significantly as new adherents incorporated local customs into their religious practices and…
see attachment read read/watch/use
Use Primary Textbooks Below • Justo L. Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity: Volume 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation Revised and Updated (New York: Harper One, 2010). • Coakley, John W., and Andrea Sterk, eds. Readings in World Christian History. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2004. (Selections, see below. This book is…
Identify a defined group or population (e.g. adolescents, young adults, older adults, veterans, persons who are unhoused, grieving, dying, etc.). Develop theory and strategies of pastoral/spiritual care with this group or population. Be sure to draw as appropriate upon course materials including assigned readings, class discussions and slides as well as any relevant outside sources.…
About the book of Hebrews, Ehrman and Mendez write, “…the Christian author of Hebrews, whether he himself was Jewish or not, claimed that Christ fulfilled the Old Testament revelation and that his followers were the true people of God… In this sense, the Christian religion was continuous with, but ultimately superior to, the religion of…