Please see attachment for instructions. Discussion is based from cartwright, Guiterrez & Hulshof Chapter 1-5
In native English, through a Christian lens Use the overall research to conclude why female representation is important in ministry and support of a project to train female mentors. Support the following statement: In the United Methodist Church, a discernible deficiency in support and mentorship structures exists for women in and pursuing ministerial roles. If…
Write about a career field (Occupational therapy) that holds your interest, how medical terminology fits into that career goal, and how God has called you to follow this path. Consider the terms to which you have been introduced, and identify 1 that makes you smile, and explain how you could use this to incorporate Proverbs…
Mini-essay, an open essay initially of no more than 300 words (excluding references and citations) about the theme of “the most _____ Taboo [or forbidden] Expression [or word] in a given language.” You fill in the blank . Soucres are opitional, add as many as needed
Here are some helpful links
Please follow the outline: Students will complete 5 doctrinal statement papers covering the eight major areas of doctrine in the course. Each paper should be 3-4 pages, 1.5 spaced, size 12 font in either Calibri or Times New Roman, and should reflect the personal convictions of the student on the major topics in each area…
300 word discussion post. Compare times when god was angry with Israel with the moments when we are angry. Instruction sheet in uploads with a list of questions to address in the post and sources to be used. Must have one source from scriipture and one source from a textbook.
Post: We’ve been introduced to the identity and ministry of Jesus three times. At this point, it is a good time to start making concrete progress on your major project due in week 7. For this discussion board, write 300-350 words in response to this question (which mirrors one of the prompt questions for your…
For this week’s assignment, you are going to create a brief teaching outline for three key themes of Jesus’ teachings in Luke: prayer, possessions, and hospitality/table fellowship. You will use this template Download this template to complete the assignment. The template provides the passages that you should use as the basis for your teaching outline,…
Submit the work screenshot and the final image download with the assignment. Provide the following in one document: Paste the screenshots of the different versions you created as you worked to create your final image. Paste your completed image into the document. As a footnote to the final image, describe 2-5 emotions that arise when…