I have attached instructions, a pdf with the chapter needed and weekly lecture ppt’s for source information.
To Prepare Complete the “Situations 1 and 2: Making Decisions About Interventions” handout. (Note: You do not need to upload the handout with your Assignment.) Reflect on your thought process in your handout and apply it the prompts below.
Objective: Understand how theory informs clinical practice by identifying therapy methods, interventions, and goals. Theory determines methods (intervention/techniques/activities) a clinician uses. It helps provide structure for sorting and organizing structure. Each week, a specific theory will be highlighted. Your task is to: Identify a therapy method derived from the week’s theory. Describe an intervention associated…
Discussion Forum: Provide your own definition of Trauma after reading Chapter 1 (Briere) and the Pai article. Specifically discuss how those with developmental and historical trauma may meet or not meet criteria as currently outlined In the DSM and how you would want to see the criteria evolve over time. Module 2 Overview Module 2…
You will be required to: Update the first sections of the treatment plan you completed in the Week 3 assignment, based on your instructor’s feedback. They are: Biopsychosocial Information for Case Conceptualization. Genogram. Ecomap. Legal and Ethical Considerations. Annotated Bibliography. Determine an appropriate DSM-5 diagnoses. Develop a minimum of three appropriate long-term goals. Develop a…
You will find the instructions for the paper attached as a word document. As you will see from the instructions, the population the paper is about must be “substantially different from my own cultural identity.” In order to help you choose a population that fits this requirement, I’ll provide the following information about my cultural…
I’ll be submitting instructions for 2 different assignments. However, the second assignment builds on, and uses information from, the first assignment. Essentially, it’s like the assignments are part 1 and part 2 of one larger assignment. I’ll be submitting 4 documents in total: the instructions and required information to complete the first assignment (called the…
I am attaching instructions, but you will need to watch a session and fill out the psychiatric assessment form. I am also attaching the rubric for this assignment.
I am attaching instructions, the Embree Eco Map Assessment from which the eco map will be created using, the rubric for the assignment, and a PowerPoint presentation with information.
Overview: The group I have chosen is MUSLIM AMERICANS: In this final assignment, you will write a scholarly paper that synthesizes and further develops what you have learned about cultural competence in this course. Scholarly writing is one way that social workers contribute to their fields, and it is also a means of professional development—we…