The key purpose of Community Development is to build strong communities based on equality, justice and mutual respect by enabling ordinary people to take part in working to address the issues that affect their lives and bring about positive change for their community. Drawing on the readings from the first few weeks, you are required…
In one paragraph (half an 8.5 x 11” page, single-spaced text, 12-point font, no word count), give a reasoned response to the following claim: ‘Governments should legalize the recreational use of small amounts of marijuana rather than criminalize or decriminalize it.’”
Trauma-informed practice goes beyond the skills and techniques used by an individual social worker. Organizations and communities can unintentionally retraumatize clients through their policies and procedures. Social workers have a responsibility to advocate for change. In this Assignment, you use the knowledge you have gained about trauma-informed practice to evaluate the organizational and operational structure…
Individual and/or family development may be different for people depending on age, class, culture, disability, ethnicity, family structure, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. Since the human experience is complex, many different theories and practice models are utilized to explain human behavior and guide social work practice. Many of these…
How does childhood trauma due to domestic violence affect the families we work with? How do these issues show up in children’s behaviors with peers and in school? How does Domestic Violence trauma transfer to children who are witnesses and how does it unfold in their adult life with their relationships? Critique the referenced programs…
Ray’s case has provided you with direct observation of a client’s history and life experiences. In the absence of this direct observation, social workers turn to assessment and interview techniques to gather essential facts about a client’s life span. Interviewing is an important social work skill—and one that requires more than simply reading a set…
Initial Post Instructions One of the challenges that is encountered in the analysis of program outcome results is having signficant power. You may recall that statistical power is the part of statistical conclusion validity in that the null hypothesis should be rejected, but in practice, we have accepted the null hypothesis. In outcome evaluation, most…
Getting Started Diversity and culture matter a great deal in clinical social work practice. Effective engagement should start with recognizing that not all individuals, families, and groups are the same, nor do they need the same intervention. As part of your fourth advanced field placement and seminar, you were encouraged to seek out opportunities for…
Funding for Grants Dr. Miller purchases a much needed piece of specialized equipment for her research on hypertension. When preparing the purchase request, she realizes that the only account with enough money is her grant for research on sleep disorders. Because both grants are funded by NIH, she charges the equipment to the sleep disorder…
The sign of an effective clinician is the ability to identify the criteria that distinguish the diagnosis from any other possibility (otherwise known as a differential diagnosis). An ambiguous clinical diagnosis can lead to a faulty course of treatment and hurt the client more than it helps. In this Assignment, using the DSM-5-TR and all…