Category: Sociology

  • Reading Response – Group 9 Introduce and define one key concept* from each of this week’s 3 readings (3 concepts total) and then explain which one you find to be most interesting, compelling, or useful. What does this concept help us to understand about patterns of urban segregation, and why is that important? _ *…

  • Respond to the original discussion below in 250+words using the rubric and sources provided below

  • Writing Assignment #1 Sociology of Gender 100 points ***Please upload onto Canvas a Word or a PDF document*** Make sure to reach out to the videos and PDF’s provided for the information Needed to complete the assignment. Make sure to follow all the direction!!!!!!!!!!!!!… 1) Using any popular, class-appropriate, template make a meme1showing…

  • A) Identify and describe at least 3 examples of economic stratification in the United States *Examples include automobiles, housing, restaurants, cemeteries, clothes, vacation destinations, perfumes, cigarette brands, and many, many others B) Use your “sociological imagination” to explain: why the examples continue to exist how the examples impact “life chances” of individuals in the society…

  • Touchstone 3: Presenting a Research Plan SCENARIO: Your supervisor has approved your research question and plan for studying some aspect of diversity and/or collaboration in a community group. Now it is time to conduct your literature review and develop your hypothesis and research plan. ASSIGNMENT: In Touchstone 1, you developed a research question and prepared…

  • Reflection: Challenges in Education Paulo Freire, Brazilian educator, philosopher, and leading advocate of critical pedagogy, argued in his famous Pedagogy of the Oppressedthat, “What the educator does in teaching is to make it possible for the students to become themselves.” Others have criticized our education system as making all students think the same and act…

  • Question #1: Describe the community that your field placement serves. Briefly describe its physical, social and political dimensions. Key physical features, dominant social characteristics, etc). Question #2: Identify the eight types of community practice models. Which of the eight types is more culturally sensitive? Explain your rationale. (Use a works cited to this question) 8…

  • Have you or has anyone you know been ever held a low-wage Job (precarious work)? If so, would you describe and explain what type of work and benefits, pay and disadvantages. How hard that you worked and paid? How much of a chance do most people with jobs, for example at Wendy’s or Wal-Mart, have…

  • This is a two part paper and I included everything and the articles I’ve used. If you need any more details please let me know. I’ll be sure to check and thank you so much for your help. Part One While reading, determine common themes and subthemes across at least four of the articles. Use…

  • Pick a vulnerable or underserved population to research and explore. In an essay of 1,500-2,000-words, address the following: Identification: Provide a definition for this population and details about who are members. Framework Task 1: Begin Where the Population Is: Identify strengths, vulnerabilities, and power imbalances faced by this population group. Additionally, identify key informants or…