Type a chronological paper, 3-4 pages, outlining & describing your involvement (or noninvolvement) in physical play, informal games, and organized sports. The biography should identify who was involved; your personal experiences related to family relationships/dynamics, friends, school, teachers, and coaches; key moments (at least one negative and one positive moment); intense memories; your current situation;…
instructions are uploaded below and use the link to complete the assignment.
For Assignment #3, you will gather objective data on yourself. Remember you are your own client for this class. The protocols that you develop now can serve as a blueprint for your future work as a Personal Trainer or Coach and as an assessment template for your individual use.
Select ONE sport organizations from the following: Professional team sports Professional individual sports Other instructor approved Discuss how policy is developed within your selected pro sport organization (1). Minimum 250 words total in your discussion. Provide reference list.
After detailed research and careful consideration, discuss a minimum ONE current policy area that you feel needs to be altered or changed. Select any policy from the following organizations: Olympics Paralympics Special Olympics World Cup Rugby Cup Complete all: State current policy. State your proposed policy with rationale. Provide reference list. APA format.
Students research, analyze and reflect on ONE selected sport organizational charts. Provide a copy of the chart, and critical discussion of its hierarchal organization. Provide any peculiar or interesting aspects of your chosen chart. Discuss possiblities of improved communication or authority lines within the organization. Provide organizational chart and discussion of a researched sport organization…