Category: Writing

  • I NEED A CRITIQUE OF THE 2 POLICY ANALYSIS’S THAT ARE ATTACHED. PLEASE FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES BELOW: THESE ARE TWO SEPARATE CRITIQUES PLEASE 2—If you haven’t yet, please review at least one of my critiques of your colleague’s initial discussion for this week. My critiques are in the Discussion area as Elam’s review. Thank you,…

  • Response Posts (to two classmates; each 100 words) and 200 word Summary Post: If citations are included in your post, include references using APA style esponse post (30%)Responds to 2 or more students. Responses provide additional insights and/or raise questions that require reflection. Shares multiple points of view. References are listed in the required style.…

  • Overview Identifying experimental designs in current research and critically analyzing strengths and limitations is an important skill for behavior analysts. For this assignment, you will select one article that demonstrates each of the four experimental designs: reversal, multiple baseline, changing criterion, and alternating treatment and discuss strengths and limitations and well as all forms of…

  • There are 2 parts for this assignment: Discussion and Assignment: Discuss the following questions. Provide a full description/in-depth analysis for each question. 1. How do you define diversity, equity, and inclusion individually and wholly as an organizational practice? 2. How does your organization address DEI? Name as many initiatives, interventions, or commitments as you can.…

  • I need you to help me write a cold email to my doctoral supervisor. Because I want to apply for his doctoral program, the email content needs to include the following parts. 1. Introduce myself and indicate that I would like to apply for the doctoral program in Accounting and Finance at the Macau University…

  • Length: 500 words Freire identifies a number of specific goals for education—what he thinks education should do for people. Among these goals, he suggests that education can help people “to become fully human” (166). In the context of his essay, what does Freire seem to mean by this phrase? How well has your experience at…

  • I need someone whos committed and can write 6-7 sentences on each post card and put it inside envelopes that I will have everything paid for.For each one you complete and I receive I will pay 0.50 cents per completed envelope. I need a minimum of 500 a week. Who ever is interested give me…

  • Develop a teaching aid that helps explain to a 10-year-old child how messages are transmitted in the brain. Biopsychology is the study of how the human brain and body work, specifically: How do the cells in our brain lead to our thoughts and actions? That’s the essence of the mind-body problem—what role does biology play?…

  • Assessment Description Continuing advancements in understanding how the brain works can have profound effects on learning and professional effectiveness. Exploring advances in neuroscience reveals new information about the brain and provides insights into the cognitive processes that support decision-making, problem-solving, and interpersonal interactions that are necessary across all fields. Understanding the newest research on how…

  • Course Project Paper: Part II (115 points) Your second project deliverable should include the following topics. Your paper should be in APA format. See the APA format and paper tab for details and assignment instructions. Explore team dynamics and analyze the impact of different structures and lines of authority on organizational strategy and culture. Evaluate…