Category: Writing

  • Fill in the blank word-for-wordto complete the sentence. When you see “…” it means that some sentences have been skipped over. Please highlight, bold, or underline your answers so that you are certain to receive credit for all of your work! Don’t forget to place your name at the top of the page. This Outline…

  • For this assignment, you will be writing at least a one page paper. You will need to use APA formatting for the style of the paper and also work to include in-text citations for the book. Please include a title page and reference page. Helpful information on APA is over in the APA module (go…

  • For this write a 1-page paper discussing why ACL injuries may be more prevalent in women vs male athletes. This paper must include citations from at least two journal articles (cited in APA or MLA style). This document should be double spaced in 12 point times new roman font with 1 inch margins.

  • CCMH/506: Personality Theories And Counseling Models Wk 4 Discussion – Existential Humanistic Therapeutic Approaches NextWk 4 – Summative Assessment: Video Analysis: Rogers & Perls [due Mon] Discussion Topic Follow Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your…

  • you will write a report, the first file is a lab manual with all the info you need to write it. I will provide a sample later. it should be single-spaced and times roman. the second is the observation. the results are there part c we did not do it so do not write about…

  • Instructions Write a first-person narrative essay about an event that impacted your life. Include the conflict and the resolution in your narrative and develop the story line appropriately to engage the reader. Remember, the most effective narratives follow a five-point development series (see below for a description of the five points). Criteria for This Assignment…

  • in CONR 602, 603, and 604, you learned foundational skills such as the importance of empathy, differentiating between positions and interests, and how to acknowledge and reframe emotions. Reflecting on that knowledge and on this week’s readings, respond to the following prompts: Introduction Why is it important for a conflict-competent leader to master the basic…

  • PART 1—- Referencing Harvest of Empire, discuss your thoughts and feelings about the role American foreign policy has played in the immigration of Latinos to America. Use specific examples to support your response. Individual responses to discussion questions should be 150-200 words. Each response to classmates must follow 3CQ format: One compliment, one comment, one…

  • As your Autobiography of Play assignment is due Thurs. (9/12) please share with us what your play experiences were like in the past and when you were growing up. Do you feel your motivation to play has changed over the years? What has stayed the same? How was it for you to reflect on your…

  • Last week, you identified organizational learning needs in relation to ethics. This week, you will share the first (and perhaps most important) building block of your ethics training program, the program goals and objectives. Your task is to develop one to two program goals, five to seven learning objectives, and one to two operational objectives…