Category: Writing

  • Thread 1: Social Media As a presenter next week, you have been asked to help promote the conference on social media. Post an initial message that does both of the following: Provide a social media message appropriate for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or other social media platform. The message should encourage participation in next week’s…

  • We covered a number of important concepts related to pollution prevention. For this assignment, you are asked to create a PowerPoint Presentation to present an overview of these main concepts at a webinar for a fictitious not-for-profit organization that promotes industrial process pollution prevention across the United States. You have agreed to help them. Please…

  • This assignment measures your mastery of ULOs 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1. Part 1: Research Strategy Analysis and Sampling Assignment Locate a primary research article in an academic journal where the researcher or researchers used a quantitative research strategy, a survey instrument, and inferential statistics. Then, critique the following elements: purpose of the study; population…

  • Please put together all the documents into one big paper that flows as a research article in APA format. Include your 10 articles reviews as an appendix. Please include your 10 articles that you reviewed from Week 1 and Week 2 as appendix. This appendix should also be in APA format. please polish your manuscript…

  • In this discussion board, you’ll get to post a first-draft attempt to respond to the prompt below and get feedback from your classmates to improve your work before you submit your final draft for grading. In an assignment after this discussion board, you will post a final draft on the same prompt.

  • Watch this week’s video: Competitive Advantage and Marketing StrategiesLinks to an external site.Links to an external site. Using a product that you regularly purchase as the example (any good or service that is not the same as your Course Project or the examples used for your Weeks 1, 3, or 5 Video Analyses), write a…

  • Instructions In this assignment, you will create a teaching lesson unit that includes two lesson plans for a developmental level (K-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, or community college). Please see documents attached Please click on the Link for assignment requirements. Review and complete the following: Teaching Tolerance Guidance Unit Teaching Tolerance Guidance Unit. Lesson Plan…

  • Revise your interpretive essay draft to engage peer sources Start by thinking about your inquiry/argument and the inquiries/arguments of your two peers. Where do they intersect and overlap? Where is there agreement and where is there disagreement? Where is that agreement and disagreement rooted? What do your various arguments have to say to one another?…

  • Write a 2-3 paragraph response essay about the article. Topics *could* include (but are not limited to): what information you found interesting, what information did you find helpful in understanding the Social Construction of Race, was there anything you might have found confusing. Did this article help to deepen your understanding of how race and…

  • Theories and models ground teaching practice in empirical research and tested experiences. As a technology coach and classroom teacher, you can use theory to apply technology purposefully to meet instructional challenges. Read “Theories, Models, Frameworks, and Strategies.” Imagine you have been asked to conduct a professional development session about design theories and models that can…