Write and submit a 2+ page paper (double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font) explaining what you have learned in the videos below (briefly summarize 4 videos) and what changes you can/will make in your personal finances that will help you. You should watch at least 4 of the videos and incorporate them in your…
Write a well-constructed essay in which you identify two characters in “Fences,” determine what kind of conflict each has, and examine the way (s) in which each of them finds a solution to his or her conflict.* *Think about what conflicts or problems that the two characters you choose have. The conflict can be within…
The final project involves designing a new community intervention program appropriate for implementation within an organizational (e.g., school, clinic, NGO), system (e.g., school district, statewide community mental health) or community setting, for the purpose of addressing a key social issue of interest to you. Potential issues include but are not restricted to marginalization, oppression, discrimination,…
Read the following leadership quotes: -“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”– President John Quincy Adams -“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moment of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in time of challenge and…
Part of the mission of your independent, nonprofit news organization is advocacy for underrepresented groups in society and changes in government policies to support social justice causes. It is critical for organizations to help advocate for groups in society that have historically been underrepresented. Your manager at your independent, nonprofit news organization wants you to…
based on the sample PPT, I just need the “Governance Policies and Cost Implications” slide The topic is “New York Statewide Covid testing” I need the apprimate COST within the slide thank you
create responses to the three posts based on info from my initial post 1) What are the key components of intelligence? How can one identify an intelligent person—what do they do, say, think, or feel, for example, that would lead one to decide that they are intelligent? To what extent is intelligence dependent on the…
Developmental Psychology Research Based on Educational Practice in China: IS THE ARTICLE TO READ PLEASE; YOU CAN READ AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY WRITING ASSIGNMENT: CHOOSE OPTION 3 Choose OPTION 3 of the three possible writing options. Papers should be three (3) pages in length and typed (1 inch margins, 12 point font,…
René Descartes: Discourse on Method (1637) Read the text from Descartes and then respond to the following question on the workbook. 1) What kind of a person is Descartes? 2) Why is he dissatisfied with the education he has received? 3) What is Descartes trying to find? What are his goals? 4) What is Descartes’…
*Starting assumption: Open a beer brew pub in Oakland, California by Oakland Arena, please see the attached introduction and project start research. 1. Please write and give details on the reasoning and implications of the size you choose. turnaround per day is how many times per day the max capacity regenerates *Please see the attached…