Week Four Course Blog Project Throughout this course you will read scholarly work on questions of diversity, exclusion and inclusion. You will write a weekly blog reflecting upon those issues, but rather than offering an unsubstantiated opinion on these matters, you’ll be expected to offer a unique but informed opinion supported by scholarly research and…
I will attach my essay that I wrote please use the information to create the power point. Instructions Oral Testimony: Your oral testimony in the form of a Powerpoint presentation is due by the end of Week 6. The objective of this assignment is to relate information from your written testimony in the form of…
I’ve attached the assignment I did that lead up to the final project. I’ve also attached an example.
Week Three: Discussion Contains unread postsMust post first. There are countless cases of discriminatory practices within organizations that privilege employees on the basis of race or gender. Research such a case and present some of the pertinent details, then on the basis on our weekly readings and your research, describe how you’d attempt to rewrite…
Week Three Course Blog Project Throughout this course you will read scholarly work on questions of diversity, exclusion and inclusion. You will write a weekly blog reflecting upon those issues, but rather than offering an unsubstantiated opinion on these matters, you’ll be expected to offer a unique but informed opinion supported by scholarly research and…
Week 6 Discussion–School of Rock: Y2K and Beyond 4747 unread replies.4747 replies. Write a short essay (300 words minimum) about the content that we covered this week–the readings, the music, the videos, the lecture, etc. Focus on the things that you learned that surprised you, bothered you, what are you taking away from this week?…
provide( powerpoint) with basic patient information and is expected to complete the following case study. The procedure is : Cataract Extraction ( questions should be answer on the attached word and create a powerpoint presentation with 6-7 slides basic explanation of procedure from the questions that was answered on word document)
Answer 5 essay questions.The student must complete the questions utilizing the links and text. The answers must be complete with APA format. It will cover the material from weeks one through four (Chapters 1 through 8 in your text) Please answer the questions in a minimum of 4 paragraphs with at least 1 reference and…
Please gimme a high quality paper with ZERO plagiarism, be on time! I need a polished without significant mistakes. Don’ use any AI, BE HONEST! BE ON TIME! I will send you the materials when the question is assigned
INTRODUCTION This is the first “Report” that I’m asking you to write. We are doing these instead of exams because I think they are a more useful, flexible, and interesting evaluation in this conceptual class. Do not procrastinate too much on this assignment please! The report should be approximately 2-3 pages in length and should…