Hi! I need to finish a project on sentiment analysis using SpaCy and Prophet libraries. This is the final task: Overview of the pipeline you developed: forecasting, ext. regressors, fine tuning NN, news sentiment analysis, evaluation with cross validation. Results you reached as a prediction (horizon 14 days) and as a prediction of growing/decreasing of…
Create a 4–5-page departmental plan to address the corporate initiative of doubling sales outlined in a scenario. Choose one of the following functional areas on which to base your assessment work. Sales and marketing. Operations and production. Accounting and finance I choose Sales and Marketing!!! Imagine that your application to Atha was successful and have…
Instructions In this assignment, you will create a teaching lesson unit that includes two lesson plans for a developmental level (K-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, or community college). Please see documents attached Please click on the Link for assignment requirements. Review and complete the following: Teaching Tolerance Guidance Unit Teaching Tolerance Guidance Unit. Lesson Plan…
Revise your interpretive essay draft to engage peer sources Start by thinking about your inquiry/argument and the inquiries/arguments of your two peers. Where do they intersect and overlap? Where is there agreement and where is there disagreement? Where is that agreement and disagreement rooted? What do your various arguments have to say to one another?…
NSTRUCTIONS General Overview: As the final project for this course, you will be creating a hypothetical study. You are not and should not be conducting human subject research for this project. It is not necessary for the purposes of this assignment. All human subject research requires written approval from the AU Institutional Review Board in…
Write a 2-3 paragraph response essay about the article. Topics *could* include (but are not limited to): what information you found interesting, what information did you find helpful in understanding the Social Construction of Race, was there anything you might have found confusing. Did this article help to deepen your understanding of how race and…
Read the following article and answer 3 of the 5 questions from the critical thinking section at the end of the paper. School article 2.pdf
Ghana/Agriculture Project topic (one country/sector combination chosen from the instructor’s list):- Topic Is Ghana Agriculture 3. Three bullet points about the country’s demographic, political-economic, and historic background (each bullet point should be 3-4 sentences and use at least 1 in-text citation). 4. Three bullet points about what the sector is and its contribution to the…
Overview For this assignment, you will finalize the FBA by adding the Reasons for Referral, a brief overview and purpose of conducting a FBA, and a summary of the investigations taken in the FBA. Your final assignment should include all the components of the previous assignments, with any corrections or changes made based on prior…
Instructions:Select a specific skill you would like to teach (e.g., identifying colors, requesting help, putting on shoes – these are examples, please choose your own) Briefly describe the learner you are teaching (age, developmental level, relevant strengths and challenges). Choose one of the three teaching arrangements (DTT, free-operant, or naturalistic) that you believe would be…