In order to receive credit for these problems, you must show the process by which you arrived at your answers, such as by including an Excel sheet used to create the graphs or perform the calculations or through hand calculations. All work submitted is to be your own work product; any academic integrity violations will…
Psychology Analysis of everyday behavior Reflection Paper Strongman, Kenneth T. (2006). Applying Psychology to Everyday Life. Wiley: West Sussex. Guidelines for writing a Reflection Paper 1. As you listen to our lectures and read the textbook be alert for psychology topics that interest you. 2. Describe the aspects of the topic that you find appealing.…
Tebeaux, Elizabeth and Sam Dragga. The Essentials of Technical Communication. 5th ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2021. ISBN: 978-0-19-753920-0 is the name of the book. I need help!! Please answer what is being asked in the screenshots below. Thank you so much!
Please follow uploaded instructions and use the intended state of practice as Ohio to answer the questions
In this module, you have studied the 7-step troubleshooting process. For this discussion, provide a thread consisting of the “write up” or symptoms of an aircraft system failure that would be found in the discrepancy record from the flight crew. The thread must also include a system description, a schematic, and/or a diagram of the…
Design a project to help track down missing persons. In the past missing persons’ pictures were posted on milk cartons so that everyone who was drinking milk could be alerted to the status of that person. Now, there are often postings in local stores and websites designed to help find missing persons. You are going…
Choose one of the following groups of words in which to create a story. Group 1: football field, concession stand, trumpets, cheerleaders, coaches Group 2: desk, scissors, sticky notes, computer, workers Group 3: scrapbook, stickers, tape, tables, pictures Your story must include the following: Create at least 2 characters with names and traits (20 Points)…
you know my research so please make sure you make an appealing presentation with simple English and slides should be easy to read (not so much text) and eye-friendly figures. I’ll attach my previous presentation file (which was bad and rejected by my professores)
CREATE AN ORIGINAL TELEVISION COMMERCIAL 1. Watch a commercial. Identify plot, characters, setting, dialogue. 2. Choose a product. Create a sales pitch. Create characters, setting, plot… 3. Create a power point story board. What happens in each frame of the commercial? Use one slide and divide it into four sections, each section including a picture…
Stop/Start Reaction Journal Stop/Start Reaction Journal Choose 1) a behavior you want to STOP during this course, or 2) a behavior you want to START during this course. Either way, choose something challenging. This should be a time of personal growth, and the assignment should also enhance your awareness of the issues and challenges involved…